Women's Luxury Retreats
Where soul meets ambition, privacy and exclusivity.

Luxury & Wellness for Women striving for excellence: Tailored Private Retreats in the heart of Italy.

women's private retreats

Are you at a juncture in life where the ache of heartbreak seems to smother every glimmer of happiness? 

Days pass like hollow shadows, yet you sense a flicker of light within you, poised to shine.

Tired of concealing behind a facade of smiles, you yearn to radiate as you deserve.

Or maybe are you resilient and driven woman, committed to achieving success in your business and career?

However, the weight of responsibilities and daily pressures has begun to take its toll on your body and mental well-being.

You feel drained, stressed, and often wonder if it’s all truly worth it. Your personal life seems to slip through your fingers as the balance between work and life becomes increasingly challenging to maintain.

Now, close your eyes and envision finding yourself in an oasis of tranquility and serenity, far from the clamor of your daily routine. You are in an enchanted haven, enveloped by elegance and beauty akin to a tender embrace. 

women's private luxury retreats italy

Or perhaps are you seeking to explore the authentic power of femininity and connect with your true self? 

You feel drawn to the prospect of experiencing deeper, more intimate relationships, yet often feel hindered by societal conditioning and others’ expectations. You ardently desire to embrace your femininity and discover the pleasure of being truly yourself. An authentic and fulfilled woman, allowing yourself being a lover, a partner, a mum, a manager or an entrepreneur and even a daughter at the same time.

Now, close your eyes and imagine finding yourself in a place where time seems to stand still, and the rules of the outside world hold no sway over you.

women's private retreats

At Women’s Luxury Retreat Italy, we welcome you with open arms and shepherd you towards your rebirth. Through holistic healing practices and tailored sessions, we assist in shedding the burdens of the past and rediscovering your inner strength. Let our retreat become your sanctuary, where you can finally release the pain and embrace life with renewed vigor and hope.

A refuge where you can relax, rejuvenate, and reconnect with yourself. Through personalized workshops, you regain energy, clarity, and motivation. You feel revitalized, ready to return to work with a fresh perspective and a newfound sense of balance in your life.

feminine embodiment

You are invited to explore the transformative power of femininity through practices of self-compassion, creative expression, and deep sharings. Here, you can finally shed the masks and armor you’ve worn for too long and embrace your authenticity with joy and freedom. You feel stronger, more loved, and more desired, ready to live a life of full expression and authenticity.

Retreat Design & Planning - Ad personam

Get ready for unparalleled levels of wellbeing, where every aspect of your retreat experience is meticulously tailored to your needs. Here's how we go above and beyond to create an unforgettable journey for you:

Your Retreat begins long before you arrive to the venue. We start by understanding your location preferences, desires and goals for this experience. Whether you seek digital detox friendly-locations, relaxation, or a combination of both, our team will propose you the location and the daily activities that caters to your wishes.

Personalized Approach and Ongoing Support

From the moment you reach out to us, you'll experience our personalized approach firsthand.

We provide ongoing support throughout the planning process, ensuring that every detail is taken care of with the utmost attention and care. Our team is available to answer any questions, address concerns, and accommodate special requests, ensuring that your experience is seamless from start to finish.

Feminine Empowerment-focused Workshops

Central to our retreats are empowerment and femininity-focused workshops led by your Personal Coach and Facilitator.

Drawing on the latest research in neuroscience, we understand the intricate workings of the brain and how it shapes our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. By integrating this knowledge with ancient practices that have stood the test of time, unlock the potential for deep healing and personal growth. Whether it's through the power of breath to regulate the nervous system, the wisdom of bodywork to release stored memories, or the transformative practice of meditation to cultivate mindfulness and inner peace, our method offers a comprehensive approach to holistic well-being.

1:1 Pre-Retreat and Post-Retreat Sessions

To maximize the impact of your retreat experience, we offer pre-retreat and post-retreat sessions.

These sessions provide an opportunity to set intentions, clarify goals, and prepare for the journey ahead. These sessions lay the foundation for a transformative experience tailored to your needs. After the retreat, you will benefit of follow-up sessions to provide continued support, reinforce your learning, and address any challenges or questions that may arise as you integrate the experience into your daily life.

Follow-Up Online Meetings

Our Commitment to your growth doesn't end when the retreat is over. Follow-up online meetings are very important to check in on your progress, celebrate successes, and offer you guidance as needed.

These meetings provide ongoing support and accountability, ensuring that the insights and transformations you've gained during the retreat continue to enrich your life long after you've returned home.

With our approach, you'll not only experience profound transformation but also gain valuable insights and tools to navigate life's challenges with grace, resilience, and joy, learning how to re-balance yourself even during intense times of pressure and stress.

Remember you are the Queen of your Life.

This majestic experience is for you, if…

retreats for heartbreak women
You are in Rebirth After a Love Breakup

Dealing with the aftermath of a breakup involves navigating a rollercoaster of emotions such as grief, anger, and loneliness. After investing time and energy into a relationship, you may struggle to redefine yourself and find your sense of purpose independently. Your confidence and self-worth can take a significant blow, leaving you feeling insecure and questioning your value. A Private Retreat provides you the safe haven where you can embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery. Let go of the pain and uncertainty as you embrace the opportunity to rediscover your inner strength, rebuild your confidence, and emerge from the ashes of your past with grace and resilience.

retreats for business women business coaching retreats
You are a driven entrepreneur or career woman feeling the weight of constant stress and overwhelm

A private retreat offers you a much-needed respite from the demands of daily life. Take a step back from the hustle and bustle as you immerse yourself in a world of opulence, relaxation, and elegant self-care. Learn powerful techniques that allow your mental energies and body fast rebalancing during high peaks of stress. Reconnect with your inner wisdom, reignite your passion, and emerge refreshed and revitalized, ready to tackle whatever challenges lie ahead.

empowerment retreats for women
You are seeking to reconnect with your unique qualities as a Woman, feeling more trust and safety when opening the doors to a new love

This is a sacred space where you can honor your true self and embrace the fullness of your being. Learn how to attract healthy relationships where you give a lot but you also receive a lot. Release the limitations of societal expectations as you tap into the infinite wellspring of strength, wisdom, and grace that resides within you. Rediscover the joy of self-love, self-expression, and self-empowerment as you journey towards wholeness and authenticity.

feminine embodiment retreats
You want to deepen your Feminine Embodiment and enhance your elegance

Many women feel numb inside their bodies. We as a society are not in touch with ourselves anymore. We often let ourselves become distracted by social media and the loud world outside us. Because of this, we have a hard time identifying what and how we really feel. We start to live with a very tiny bandwidth of emotions and feelings and therefore miss out on the huge other available range. We can not choose to not feel the bad stuff but only feel the positive emotions. When we choose to suppress our pain, we suppress our feelings of joy and pleasure as well. We either feel - or we don’t. We numb ourselves by disconnecting and distractions. An embodied woman is not afraid to feel. An embodied woman can receive. She uses her body as a roadmap to her choices. She knows herself. She is a human being, not a human doing. Embodiment is a road to more self-compassion, pleasure, purpose, and better relationships. With yourself and others.

Luxury Retreats Availabilities

Indulge in the ultimate luxury escape with our flexible availability options, designed to accommodate your desired length of stay. Choose from enticing packages including a rejuvenating 3-day, 2-night getaway, a blissful 4-day, 3-night retreat, or immerse yourselves in a transformative week-long formula. If you are seeking an extended journey of relaxation and discovery, we offer customizable options for even longer stays. Embrace the freedom to design your dream retreat experience at your own pace and on your own terms.

Your Location for Your Experience

We understand that sometimes the allure of your own surroundings can enhance the retreat experience even further. That’s why we offer the flexibility for you to choose your own location for your bespoke retreat

Whether it’s your private villa nestled in the countryside, a cozy chalet in the mountains, or a seaside sanctuary by the coast, we’re here to bring an exceptional “Women’s only” experience directly to you. Our team will work closely with you to ensure that every detail is meticulously curated to meet your preferences and exceed your expectations. 

Embrace the opportunity to create a Personalized Retreat experience in the comfort and familiarity of your own space, while still enjoying the unparalleled luxury and service that defines our identity. Your location, your experience: let us make your retreat dreams a reality, wherever you may be.

Imagine being surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of Portofino, the green vineyards of Tuscany, the enchanting shores of Salento or the majesty of the Alps while boarding on your journey of transformation and renewal.

Our selected venues are authentic Italian gems, perfect for relaxing and enhancing you transformation.

Your Personal Coach, Naturopath and Facilitator

Valentina Tutino personal coach

Coaching is a common term that most have heard of – and some are a bit tired off.

Valentina is much more than a Coach, as typically Coaching is a partnership with a client in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their potential. It is usually a process where we are very much in our heads. We set a goal, make a plan, and define action steps. It is very focused on moving towards success in the fastest way possible, but often lacking sufficient depth.

Valentina’s Feminine embodiment coaching uses a very different approach. Her style of coaching focuses on depth-first and direction later. It lets the body lead.

By inhabiting the full spectrum of feelings, sensations, emotions & sensual aliveness in your body, and noticing all that is present in regards to the issue we are experiencing or the goal we want to achieve. We use the body’s wisdom and obtain a greater understanding of all that is present inside of us.

As a Feminine Embodiment Coach, Valentina guides you through the effective tools of Embodiment and creates a safe space for you the explore, feel and connect first, and help and support you move forward afterward with ease and flow.

It's time to reclaim your radiance and embark on a journey of renewal and empowerment. Your transformation begins here.

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